Get to know us!
New Cornerstone Baptist church was organized July 29, 1938, by Reverend Junius Harry Logan along with his wife Mary Logan, Charles Aspew and family, and sister Estella Logan. Brother Aspew said, "You preach, and I'll pay the rent". The church was named after the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Reverend Logan's hometown of Cumberland County, Virginia. The Deacon board and the Trustee board were organized in September 1938 along with many other auxiliaries of the church. God endowed Reverend Logan with a vision and leadership ability. The membership grew to such an extent that a larger building became a necessity and a building fund was started. In the fall of 1949, Cornerstone moved to 1702 Laurens Street with the membership increasing as the years passed. New Cornerstone remained at the Laurens Street location for twenty-three years. Again, the membership grew for more room and on June 11, 1972, Reverend Logan and the congregation moved to their present site; 1530 East Preston Street.
Many ups and downs occurred, but the congregation continued to be blessed. During the early years, the membership changed, and the building started to show the signs of age. As problems began to mount during the winter of 1976; the Lord saw fit to give a vision to the leader and a few select "prayer warriors". This was the beginning of the "State Rally".The first State Rally (Sunday, February13, 1977) allowed for repayment to the person who had stood for three months of the church mortgage and it allowed us to deposit money into the bank for future needs. It took prayer, persistence and a lot of pennies. We give thanks to God and persons like Deacon Robert Chaney, Sisters Violet Tucker and Sallie Jackson for leading the way. Reverend David Tomlin had been one of many sons of Cornerstone (to include Reverends Theodore Fickling, Zollie Wright and A. B. Waters) that supplied the pulpit after Reverend Logan had become ill in late 1977. Reverend David Tomlin became assistant pastor and served in the interim until Pastor Logan's death on February 18,1986.
​ Reverend Tomlin was installed as our second pastor, with his wife Hannah by his side on January 29, 1989 and under his leadership the emphasis was on strong ministry; starting at the head. It was felt that the church leaders should have a firm understanding of the word and the true doctrines; just as Reverend Logan had taught before. He thought that communication, between the pastor and leaders and members, was important. Reverend Tomlin Sr. remained pastor until his death on. January19, 1995.
Once again, the Lord has blessed us and allowed another son of Cornerstone to be put in place over His people. Reverend Curtis Moore, who had been assistant to Reverend Tomlin, was called to pastor on September 19, 1996 by a majority vote of the membership. On March 2, 1997, Reverend Curtis Moore was installed as our third Pastor. Under the leadership of Reverend Moore; Vacation Bible School was reorganized, Outreach Ministry- "Beyond the walls" became a reality on May 19, 2001 and the Building Fund was renewed. In December 2001 the Mass Choir was established as part of the music ministry. Reverend Curtis Moore resigned, due to his relocation to Virginia; which was effective as of September 20, 2009.
Upon the announcement of his resignation; Reverend Moore highly recommended Reverend Tommie Page to supply the pulpit along with associated ministers Hazel Smith, Lawson Johnson and Lloyd Vaughn.(present)For 4 years (1997-2001) Reverend Page previously served under the leadership of Reverend Curtis Moore as an associate minister and Youth ministry pastor. Reverend Tommie B. Page was called to pastoral leadership, August 13, 2009, by a majority vote of the membership. On January 10, 2010, the Lord was to be praised and glorified as we came to the Acts of installation for the Reverend Tommie B. Page; as the fourth pastor of this congregation. The Lord has put him and his wife Angela in place; we publicly acknowledge and celebrate the acceptance of this leadership. We shall follow him as he follows Christ Jesus. After many years of heart aches and much needed repairs; we were once again able to have worship service in the main sanctuary (upper level) on a regular basis. Reverend Page says that as we go forward, let us "go by faith and not by sight". Cornerstone continues to fight the good fight as we move forward into the future. Reverend Page announced that he was stepping down as Pastor at the end of 2017. He will continue to be at Cornerstone and honored as "Pastor Emeritus".
A Pastor Search Committee was set and recommendation to the membership was given. Reverend Melvin R. Rascoe, was called to pastoral leadership on June 21, 2018 by majority vote. On September 15, 2018; as we thank God for his grace and mercy, we gathered for the installation of Reverend Rascoe as our fifth pastor. The present congregation of New Cornerstone Baptist Church can look upon their achievements with justifiable pride; the church has come a long way. Every person affiliated with this branch of Zion should bow his and her head in humble thanks to God. With the help of God, New Cornerstone Baptist Church will move upward and onward. THE STONE IS BACK!
Our vision is to build a family of devoted followers of Christ that worships God, shares Christ's hope and love, and ministers to each other's needs.